Thursday, June 5, 2008

how to change crochet to knitting - the way that grandma used to do it

For beginners, the completion of that first blanket, first scarf, first table cover, brings with it a joy that had been previously unknown. Do you know someone who is pregnant and you don't know what to get them for a gift?

Granny squares have been made into everything from large afghans to tiny doll sweaters and everything in between. Actually, crochet is not difficult at all. In selecting your yarn, there are five basic types: baby/fingering, sportweight/baby, worsted weight, chunky and bulky.

On the internet you'll find patterns and plans for that will assist you in making this type of baby blanket gift. Afghan hooks are used for specialized crochet projects, and they allow you to hold many stitches on your hook. You will find everything from Afghans, baby clothes, bookmarks, dolls, pillows and much more.

The official Crochet Guild of America features lessons as well as crochet ideas for new learners. It is important to exercise some personal judgment that will help enhance the appearance of the project. By referring to old books, magazines and brochures, people find techniques that have been forgotten.

Just like any craft, you have to enjoy it and truly have a passion for it to produce great works of yarn art. Everyone can learn to crochet, practice up!

ear flap hat in worsted weight yarn crochet - beginner's instructions ascot crochet hat - it's all here crochet pattern for a sailor hat for the beginning crocheter

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