Thursday, November 13, 2008

crochet pattern

Crochet patterns can look confusing at first. Antique crochet has a lot of character, and so antique patterns are searched for by those looking to recreate classic styles and projects from a time gone by.

Additionally, the shape of the crochet scarf is enormously forgiving of any first timer mistakes. Crochet was considered to be suitable only for the rich with the poorer people having knitted items. We ve had some real success at crochet and made some beautiful projects, even successfully tried our hand at more complicated patterns.

A lovely evening bag made from simple crochet can add an elegant touch to any night out. You can find the patterns at local craft stores or online where pattern sites offer many from which to choose. There may be clubs in your area that meet monthly to exchange crochet patterns and to give tips to each other.

The most important thing to remember when starting to crochet is not to get overwhelmed. Keep in mind that patterns can be adapted to suit the purpose of the project.

Kangaroo Crochet - what you need to know

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