The early development of the craft of crochet is linked to the imitation of lace and lace making. When buying yarn always make sure you choose balls of yarn with the same dye lot or dye batch number.
When someone asks you to make something for them, write it in a notebook. This is the same as the basic starting chain in crochet, except you are using a crochet hook instead of your fingers. The library is a great source of crochet baby blanket patterns also.
Crochet patterns are really easy. Once you've worked with a few patterns, you'll find yourself much more familiar with the instructions, and you won't need to refer to the book any longer. It simply makes sense to make a baby sized sweater before tackling the adult sized version as a Christmas gift for your husband!
You just never know what works of art are hiding in your fingertips! You can crochet straight forward items almost immediately and once you ve mastered the basics you can go onto the more complicated patterns when you fancy a challenge.
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