Crocheting is the process of creating fabric from a length of cord, yarn, or thread with a specific type of a hook known as the crochet hook. Many people, when hearing the word crochet, instantly conjure the image of an elderly woman sitting in a chair, crochet hook held firmly in arthritic fingers as she concocts another table doily.
Crocheted afghan covers can be used in various ways. The fabric itself can be strong and versatile and depending on the variations of colors used, can also create many different beautiful patterns. Crochet is used to make a variety of things.
Irish crochet is often considered to be crocheting at its highest expression and is done with the finest thread and hooks in intricate patterns, usually displaying a motif of leaves or flowers set in an open web-like background. Make the last round of each square the same color and you will pull them all together in a nice color coordinated project. It simply makes sense to make a baby sized sweater before tackling the adult sized version as a Christmas gift for your husband!
Crochet is an interesting hobby. Empty prescription bottles can be very handy for keeping smaller crochet tools like row counters, beads, and yarn needles.
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