Friday, April 11, 2008

free snake crochet pattern - the easy way

Anyone who crochets will tell you that the ability to design and make with their own two hands a variety of beautiful and completely unique pieces is absolutely priceless. A simple project that lends itself to a variety of bold colors and various patterns, the crochet scarf has marked the foray into the world of crochet for many just picking up hook and yarn.

Fortunately for us all, there were a lot of books, magazines and patterns published between 1850 and 1950 that have documented, the crochet creations that are from the peak period of this craft. Before this time crochet had been handed down through families with each generation passing on the skills. We of course just feel like we are just being useful with our hands.

In a relatively short amount of time you could be making your own crochet baby blanket. Over the years, there have been many, many books written on crochet and baby blankets are easily one of the most popular items to crochet. So each new loop is formed by catching the yarn and drawing it through the previous loop.

There are free patterns, charts with crochet abbreviations used in patterns, charts for hook sizes, etc. A free crochet pattern for an afghan cover is not only a great way to start, but it is also fun.

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